Three Most Underrated Superfoods

Three Most Underrated Superfoods

"Superfood" is a buzzword that is often heard to describe foods that are packed with nutrition, anti-oxidants, and health benefits. To name a food as being a superfood is suggesting that it can better your health in ways that other foods cannot. Three superfoods that have gained a lot of attention lately are turmeric, ginger, and carrots. All three of these contain antioxidants to help fight diseases such as heart disease, inflammation and diabetes.

The Skinny on Fat

The Skinny on Fat

Since the industrial revolution, our nation’s fascination with using machines to increase convenience and lower costs has never slowed down. This is even true of the way we prepare and process food. Throughout the 20th century, food manufactures improved their processes of altering, preserving, cooking, and packaging foods as the American public became increasingly reliant upon convenience items to fill their refrigerators and pantries. Though manufacturers have fought the notion that these changes are linked to an increase in disease, scientific studies increasingly show a relationship between processed foods and our most prevalent chronic conditions. This relationship is particularly true of processed fats.