Bill's 10 Minute Warm Up

Here’s an early Holiday Gift for you… My favorite warm up — a little bit HIIT, a little bit Dance Moves. It takes 10 minutes; you can just follow along with me and then you’re ready for whatever work out or exercise you like to do. Bookmark this video and come back and do it everyday!


  • Only do each exercise to the extent that you can safely do so. Adapt the moves to your current ability and be patient with yourself.

  • If the Warm Up feels like a work out (short of breath, dripping sweat after), just do it followed by a cool down walk every day until it feels like a warm up. I promise repetition makes it easier and you’ll be ready for the next level soon!

  • When the Warm Up feels like a good warm up, move on to your normal work out routine

  • If you need a Work Out Routine, feel free to reach out to me — I can point you to resources or personally coach you in developing a fat-blasting or muscle-building routine to achieve your goals.

6 Sneaky Ways to Exercise Without Noticing It

So you want to start exercising more, it's just not practical to make it to the gym all the time. Life can be like that. But don’t worry! I can tell you from experience you can have some of the best training sessions ever outside the gym and slim down just as easily. Of course there are at home exercises, programs, and apps you can use, but suppose you just don’t have a dedicated block of time for fitness? Well, here are some tips to sneak in exercise without even noticing it:

How To Turn Your Wish Into A Plan

It’s that time... time for gatherings, family, toasting achievements and aspirations with friends and looking back at the past year to reflect on what you’d like to do differently in the coming year.... Hmm, I’d like to really blog and make videos every week this year. Maybe this year will be different... maybe my time and priorities will just fall into place.... Do you think I can trust to that? Would you sponsor me with that attitude? Would you hire me with that attitude? No, and I’ll tell you why not. I’ve just expressed a WISH, not a resolution or a plan. What’s more, I’ve followed it up with hoping that the winds of fortune just happen to blow in my favor and grant my wish. That’s all very well, but that is not how people realize their dreams.

Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the United States, once said of hard work, “I’m a greater believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it.”

People who reach their goals do encounter obstacles on the way, but instead of blaming their mistakes on a shadowy being called “luck,” they carefully examine the causes of each mistake and use what they learn to avoid similar future mistakes.

So, before you start making high flying resolutions for the coming year, take a hard look at your reality and:

  • First, carefully examine the goals you’re considering

  • Make a careful and honest estimate of the possibilities of success

  • Determine if the goal in question is worth your serious efforts, because mark my words, unless you put effort into your wishes, they will just remain wishes.

  • Then devote yourself completely to the goal, taking even the smallest details into consideration and drawing profit from what experience teaches you -- especially the experience of failing a time or two.

Getting past the notion of “luck” and achieving your dreams is a central theme of some books I wrote a while back, called Can’t...Can! This one is more aimed at succeeding in business, and this one is for those who are trying to focus on fitness, but they both are addressing similar mindset adjustments.

So, while I’m sipping my eggnog and cider this season, I’m not just wishing; I’m making a plan for how to reach my goals -- won’t you join me?

Bill's Holiday Dieting Guidelines

  • Don’t. Yep, don’t. Telling yourself you’re on a diet will just set you up for failure binges and you’ll actually eat more than if you threw dieting out the window for a month. No “diets”. Just be smart.

  • If you’re counting calories regularly or you know you’re about to be in an environment where you simply must try everything, then skip another meal or two that day or the next one and don’t count, guilt, or calculate. Just trust that it’s close enough.

  • If you do a particular diet like low-carb, intermittent fasting, or gluten-free as part of your daily lifestyle, stick to it as much as you can during holidays and remember the general rule of 90%/10%. If you stick with your diet 90% of the time in a week, the other 10% won’t really matter. To make it even simpler, 2.5 meals a week can be anything you want, so plan those when you know you’ll have a more difficult time adhering to your usual eating habits.

  • And my Number 1 Holiday Diet Rule is: GRATITUDE. Don’t punish yourself over food or with food. The meals and treats we share this time of year are meant to enhance our good times with loved ones and friends. Slow down and savor every bite for the gift that it is, enjoy the ritual of a shared meal, drink, or potluck and concentrate on making memories that will long outlive any extra weight you may gain.


Bill & Billy Jr.