Are you ready to get healthier, stop dieting, and finally transform your body the way you want?

No more “yo-yo-ing”.

I help you reach your goals; I don't dictate how you “should” be. 

I will initially learn all about you and your fitness goals, then I will work with the ProCoach System to deliver a custom nutrition plan just for you, that will help you get to looking and feeling better than you can imagine. 


If you've ever tried a fad diet or exercise program before, you've probably seen some results, but been unable to maintain the changes long term.

Rather than a massive overhaul all at once, this program is designed to be sustainable and practice-based – adapting to your reality, one day at a time.


Slower and less drastic, yes... But. You’ll drop the fat (and inches) you've carried for years. You will reassess and redefine a new and healthier relationship with food. And you’ll let go of image insecurity, food addiction, and restrictive dieting for good.


You won't find a better nutrition and lifestyle coach anywhere.

Transforming bodies and lifestyles is my passion, and I am dedicated to helping people just like you attain the best body and mindset you can get.

Whatever setbacks threaten to derail your progress, I will help you make it through by analyzing possible solutions or modifying your program.

Think of me as your on-call nutritionist/scientist/coach/friend.

We'll connect through text messaging as needed and we’ll have a one on one in-person or Skype meeting weekly to review your progress, offer insight, and check in with you to offer support.

How exactly does Bill’s Holistic Health Coaching work?

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We’ll initially figure out a nutrition plan and eating pattern that works with your life and will help you reach your goals.

We’ll identify exercises that you can do and enjoy to improve your movement and flexibility.

We’ll discover if you have any habits or lifestyle obstacles and create a plan to overcome and adapt.

You’ll receive feedback regularly from me, and you can reach out for assistance anytime. 

We’ll do a weekly check in to see what’s working well for you and what we may want to adjust to better address your situation.

Bill Calhoun, Health Coach, PN-Certified Coach, and Celebrity Fitness Guru

My decades of experience in healthy living, nutrition and fitness have afforded me the opportunity to select the most effective tools for my clients.

Meal planning and activity tracking for weight loss (or gain) is an integral part to an overall healthy lifestyle. It reminds you that eating the right foods and maintaining a healthy weight is achievable and is the best thing for living the vibrant, energetic lifestyle you want. BUT, we aren’t going to do any extreme dieting or bootcamps. We’re going to work with your current life to integrate healthier practices, NOT give you an entire lifestyle makeover (I can do the total makeover path if you really want it, but I have to warn you, most people can’t stick to it and slide back from their goals after a year).

I am excited to help you transform into your best self.

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Bill's Holistic Health Coaching Program provides:

3 months of personalized nutritional, wellness, mindset, and activity coaching to help you transform into your fittest self.

Finally attaining your ideal body.

Lose fat, increase strength, gain energy. I can help you reach your fitness goals, whatever they may be. After 3 months you’ll be well on your way to the best shape of your life.  

Baby steps to incredible achievements.

Big picture nutritional goals will get broken out into little but crucial daily practices that equal a huge body transformation. Healthier habits will become second nature to you and change your lifestyle permanently.

A Lifestyle Change that won't take over your life.

It all starts with you — your life, nutritional needs and fitness goals. We then work up a custom plan to optimise your real, day to day life with better nutrition, more effective activity, and healthier choices.

Guidance and motivational support.

Accountability, direction, and support are the difference between reaching your goals and quitting. Bill will help you stay consistent and overcome challenges.

No dieting, counting, or calorie charts.

Rather than studying yet another complicated diet program, you will actually have fewer details to deal with. The ProCoach system crunches the numbers so all you have to do is follow the plan, one step at a time.

JUST $750 USD for all of this!

Less than $9/day for an upgraded you. Apply only if you are ready to commit to meeting the new you in three months….


Here are just a few of my clients who’ve experienced incredible transformations over the past 15 years.


“Sitting at airport, flipped through magazine and saw myself one year ago, with a shock. I looked so auntie so old. Almost 2 months after training with Bill's program, I have changed. I love myself more, I sleep well, I enjoy my life more and I'm feeling awesome!!!! 3 months after I decided to love myself more. No I am not trying to be skinny but I am choosing the way of being healthier. ” 

Nook, 35, Lost 3 kg

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“This was me 2+ years back and me now. I started off without a real goal. But going through the process of not just workouts but the nutrion and mindset science behind your protocols has helped me get here. I have come so far, further than I ever thought I could. You provided the road map and got me here!! YOU ROCK!!!” 

Nicole, 38, lost 12 kg


 “I'm more empowered overall as a woman who, with fitness and confidence regained after having twins at a more mature age, now feel more capable and in control of my life (physically, mentally and emotionally). Being on this programme has also enabled me to form better lifestyle habits and make better nutrition choices. It has definitely rewired my brain and the formidable transformation is more than just that of the body but more so of my mind, which I am slowly but surely becoming the master of. So a big thank you and hoorah! 😃💪”

Josephine, 47, lost 10 kg


“Just less than 3 months under Bill's guidance I have lost 5 kg, 6.1% fat ( at the peak) and gained 3% in muscle. Bill's program really works! What's amazing is when I took 1 month off the program in Feb, I didn't put on weight. Big thank you to Bill Calhoun and my team mates in pro coach, for all the encouragement and getting me to push the envelope. You are all my inspirations. My 50th birthday gift for myself ....the lean me !'”

Judy, 50, lost 5 kg


Are You Ready?

The tiny effort of a few clicks can be the first step of your incredible transformational journey. A journey thousands of strong, determined people have taken before you and never looked back.

Perhaps you’ve been dreading beach season, maybe your energy flags out halfway through your day, or maybe you are missing your old confidence in your ability to set and achieve your goals.

If you are done with feeling that way and you're ready to get the body you want and to be in control of your health and fitness with no rebounding, no backsliding, I am here to help you. You have tried before on your own; now there is no try – it's time to do with help from someone ready to commit to your success.

I live for seeing my clients transform their lives and bodies like butterflies greeting a new day.

I hope to help you transform your body and life forever.

Right now, the next step is up to you.